In its earliest days of being written, Mycenaean Greek was written utilizing a syllabary. Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Residual malt sweetness is low to medium. These variations are mentioned to be Belgian-Style Lambic” and could also be made to resemble many of the beers of true origin. Fermentation Characteristics: Conventional examples of Gose are spontaneously fermented. Fermentation Traits: Fruity-estery aroma and flavor is low. Characteristic horsey, goaty, leathery and phenolic aromas and flavors derived from Brettanomyces yeast are sometimes current at reasonable levels.
Low to medium maltiness may embrace low caramel malt character. Low ranges of diacetyl are acceptable. Many farmhouses were modeled after widespread architectural styles on the time they had been constructed, resembling Victorian and Colonial. Additional notes: Theses beers should display a stability of sunshine sweetness, spiciness and low to medium fruity-estery flavors.
Additional notes: When utilizing these guidelines as the basis for evaluating entries at competitions, Scottish Gentle Ale may be split into two subcategories: conventional (no smoke character) and peated (low degree of peat smoke character). Hop flavor is high and balanced with other beer attributes. Additional notes: Pale American-Belgo-Style Ales are both 1) non-Belgian beer types portraying the distinctive characters imparted by yeasts typically used in huge, fruity Belgian-style ales, or 2) defined Belgian-style beers displaying a singular character of American hops.
Darkish roasted malt flavors may be evident at low levels. Fermentation Traits: Med-low to med-high fruity and phenolic attributes are hallmarks of this style. Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Excessive hop aroma and taste, derived from any number of hops. Fermentation Traits: Alcohol content is medium-high to high and evident. Fermentation Characteristics: Very low diacetyl flavors may be appropriate in this low-alcohol beer.
Fruited variations should be categorized as Belgian-style fruit beers. Strong roast barley or robust burnt or black malt character should not be perceived. Perceived Malt Aroma & Taste: The aroma is grainy or grainy-bready. Hop character may be muted by the presence of yeast. Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: A low to medium maltiness needs to be present in aroma and flavor.